So, here I am- An entire academic year has passed with me missing in action within the blogosphere. First of all, I'd like to apologize. (Hopefully there will still be people who have stuck around to accept this apology!) My intentions were to continue blogging and to share with the world my experiences as a first year teacher. That, obviously, did not happen. It has been the rockiest year of my life - A year that tested my beliefs and questioned what I held most firm as values to live by. I won't get into it quite yet, though I can imagine myself letting it seep out as I continue to blog in the not-too-distant future. Let's put it this way - There has been so much that has gone on that I could most likely write not just a novel, but possibly an epic (with some elaboration here and there)!
I also decided to re-establish this blog due to many people I have met along the way in the last year. I have had the privilege to work with and become compadres with many, for lack of a better word, good and decent people who share my philosophy, principles, and values towards how to live and receive life. Unfortunately, we are all going separate ways in life and since I've learned in life that it is truly difficult to find people who share the same values as oneself does (well for me at least...) I decided that this blog would be a way for me to make sure I can keep in touch with them and allow them a glimpse at what is the next chapter in my life.
I suppose this is a good time to also catch people up on my history in the blogosphere
world. I began with another site called Xanga back in 2002 and used it as an avenue to express my unhappiness with... different ways that we have become socialized in America. It later became an outlet for my other interests, particularly music - I spent a good deal of time writing reviews, envisioning myself as a guest writer for music magazines such as Paste (a great magazine, by the way). It was also a way to reconnect with family and friends that had moved away, to give them an idea of what was going on in my life. In a way, it has and will return to that, but also to the other aforementioned themes. Essentially, it will return as a blog about anything and everything. I am happy to return - Hopefully a year's worth without writing (as well as correcting and speaking in third grade terminology) has not and will not disintegrate my ability to write :) -johnny
By the way, if you'd like to read up on my back log of entries (and see how... optimistic and cynical I was) from the past, just look to the right and you can easily find your way back in time.