Thursday, August 04, 2005

Currently Listening
Beneath These Fireworks
By Matt Nathanson
see related
Crazy day, kids (always wanted to say that). Went in for a scheduled filling at the dentist and surprise, surprise.., I had to get one of my wisdom teeth (still had two left, one now) yanked out immediately. imagine my face when he tells me this as he's drillin' away on another tooth.

isp troubles left us with one option, cable, and i finally got it installed today.... amazing! expect lots of song uploads now

and of course, more nickel creek news! the "why should the fire die" tour is set and can be viewed here!

local date:

12.10.05 San Francisco, CA Warfield Theatre

They're hittin' most of the U.S. so everyone should be able to make it

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