Saturday, April 23, 2005

Hi :)

Ok, so I'm back with full attention. The past week plus has been stickabulletinmyhead stressful. I'm not used to acting as a leader/facilitator/enforcer to a group of graduate students who're mostly at least a decade past my age. Very comfortable it was, but I felt much reassurance with my skills on leading.

Saw a great if not disturbing pair of films in the last twenty four hours. The Woodsman, a film starring Kevin Bacon about a man who, after twelve years in jail because of child molestation, must find his way back into society. Definitely reminded me of a concept I read about a year ago on Stigma, by Erving Goffman. Bacon's character is forever stigmatized as a sex offender and the film revolves around the question on whether or not he acts on this stigmatism. Is he so overwhelmed by the constant messages that society has placed on him as a sex offender that he begins to believe the message and act the role? Or does he go beyond that? Watch and check it out. I also caught the Corporation tonight, a documentary visiting the entire scope and subsequent corrpution to society that corporations have placed us in today, and potentially in the future. It's chilling, fascinating, disheartening, but necessary to view. Also one to watch.

A great song to check out - Wake Up by the Arcade Fire
Funny story with this one, a few months ago I'd been in love with this band's album. This song played while we waited for U2 to begin and it just sounded like one of those inthemoment, i'm glad to be alive, cool songs. Something about hearing it in an arena filled with so many people, maybe. Anyway it's funny because I just completely blanked on who it was! I came to the conclusion that it was Bright Eyes, mistakingly, but you know what, they have similar voices! I eventually tracked the song down and kicked myself for not realizing it was the Arcade Fire. I want to play this song during my graduation.

I'm off to see Glen tomorrow :) A little less than enthused, however, as I've heard his new band I think he was "issued" for support, and they don't seem to be too hot. Hopefully a bunch of shows have seasoned them up. Glen at Slim's tomorrow, tickets still available. Blue Merle opens. They sound just like Coldplay's Chris Martin. And Coldplay's new single rocks as well. All's well in music land. Except that Matt Good took off his blogroll, but that's another story.

I'm rambling... off for now.

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